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A year has passed since the disastrous NepalEarthquake2015. It was really a huge catastrophe for a developing country to witness such a hilarious incidence. Thousands of people lost their lives, double the numbers were injured and a large number of people were left homeless. Our civilization suffered a huge impact; ancient monuments and heritages had turned to rubble. Anyway, there was nothing left rather than to tackle it. 

Surprisingly, there was a significant international participation for instant rescue works and reconstructions. We received a large sum of international donation and a significant number of disaster-aid volunteers and professional from around the globe. A state of emergency was declared and helps from different nations were plunging. Global communities were disappointed at the news. And, a good demonstration of global cooperation was seen.

 Today marks the anniversary of the devastating disaster that our generation had faced. But, the very sad news is the incompetence in reconstructions. Yes, still there are numbers of people waiting for relief; living under tents. They already had passed a year and survived through the three months of heavy monsoon rain and three months of harsh cold. There are children waiting to shift from their tents to to-be-constructed dream homes. There are women and disabled people too, who had to worry about what to fill their and other family member's stomach with. 

After the earthquake, the behavior of our neighboring country - India's government and never to be forgotten- the border blockade raped all of the fragile Nepalese. Although, as a result of long revolutions and exercises for changes, a new constitution was promulgated, the passing of the constitution became like putting chilies on the eye of Indian government. The constitution was passed overwhelmingly by 90 percent of the votes; a world record among democratic countries. But, the outcomes were very painful- there were revolutions on the southern part of the country in the name of ethnicity and of course, the protesters were supported from the Indian Territory to organize their campaigns. The activists were allowed to travel through Indian lands to attend protests in different places across the border. The issue of ethnicity, which was used as a weapon to fulfill its dirty vests resulted communal violence across the nation. Everything was used, from powers to dirty tricks to kneel down the government of Nepal and Nepalese people. The blockade continued for months. Nepal, being a landlocked country, shares borders with India and China. The geographical difficulties in the north make Nepal entirely dependent on India for the import of goods including fuels and medicines. The result of the blockade was beyond humanity- we witnessed the patients dying of asthma attacks because of medicine shortages. The streets at nights were all filled with children's cries due to hunger- there was no cooking gas to boil a packet of milk. However, the Nepalese endured the severe crisis and the Indian government stopped supporting the protestors, due to increasing International pressure and dissatisfying results. The blockade slowly settled down to the ground and Indian government was forced to resume the border. 

In this period of time, the country faced numerous aftershocks; not only earthquakes but also due to various political changes in the nation. Such ups and downs flourished corruption and mismanagement in the administrative system of our nation. As a result, there was incompetence in relief and reconstructions. Despite of having limited access to technology and resources, the role of government was very poor. Therefore, the Nepalese people were forced to sleep under tents or even open sky and just wait for someone to donate them foods and clothes. The blockade had made the market status worst in the history; the price hiked to the sky and we had to rely on black-marketers. Employment opportunities also shrunken, and there were nothing much left to do to remain alive. 

Each of these past 365 days had taught us a serious lesson- never to be forgotten. We can't change the past- it is gone, but the future is in our hand- we can carve it. We had resisted 7.8 Richter scale and this had made us even stronger. We should not just be mourning for the dead people last year at this date, but we are also celebrating it; you might stare at my idea, but we should really do it. This date should be taken as a memoir of not just earthquake, but also the whole 365 days of pain we had spent. And, today must be celebrated. Today is the beginning of a new adventure, and a really important one for our generation too. Our actions of today will determine the future, we are very lucky to have such opportunities to dedicate to our motherland. Not the citizens of every country can have such opportunity. And, I hope everyone understands the need of it and start their day from tomorrow with a commitment for a change. We can do everything- we are humans. They had already planned to take a trip to Mars, what is the big deal for us to reconstruct Dharahara? Jay Nepal.

After a year of sufferings, we still believe we are strong, and thats amazing!

'We are Stronger than 7.8'
'we will rise again'

Some posts from Facebook concerning #NepalQuake2015 :

Sushant Gautam

Sushant Gautam


  1. Nice blog and this is good to help for Nepal earthquake victims and Patanjali rahatkosh is also working for these victims. For more information please visit site:- For more information Please visit site: - nepal charities

  2. This is nice and good to see that many more countries are helping and providing help for Nepal. Patanjali yogpeeth Nepal trust is also working with his team to help those victims and giving as much as help for make them recovered from it. For more information Please visit site: - nepal charities


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