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Hello reader!

This post is dedicated to exploring any possibilities for using QR Codes during LOCUS 2016.

Introduction to QR Codes:
QR code (abbreviated from Quick Response Code) is the trademark for a type of matrix barcode (or two-dimensional barcode) first designed for the automotive industry in Japan. A barcode is a machine-readable optical label that contains information about the item to which it is attached. (Wikipedia: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/QR_code )
QR codes are becoming a part of our life with its deep attachment with promotion and marketing industry. They are just cute labels that contains decoded information- URLs, phone numbers, etc. And, the best thing is that we can decode and even create it :) .

Well, the QR code you see on the right is with a free application. The QR code generators and decoders are available openly on the internet. You can decode the QR using any QR reader app. I have Opera Mini installed on my phone which has an integrated QR decoder. You may see this site for more information on using QR codes  with Opera Mini. If you scan the QR code shown here, it will redirect you to the URL I have encoded in it. You may install latest version of Opera Mini from here if your phone don't have Opera Mini installed or use any other QR code readers.

Using QR codes in LOCUS
My idea is to use QR codes during locus program. Just imagine if we could label each stalls with a QR code and let the user scan the code using their smartphone. And, link the user to the detailed information regarding the project  in the web. That sounds cool, right? Also, it is not going to be a bulky or a costly task at all. We just need to print out the QR code on a paper and display. It would save papers and flex boards, too. And, make the viewers self-explorer rather than just stalkers or sometimes annoying crooks. :)

#AddingSoon :)

Sushant Gautam

Sushant Gautam

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